Doughnuts That Make You Go Nuts

Ok I know what you’re thinking, “Emily, what are you doing eating doughnuts? These are bad for you!”.

And yes, these are high sugar foods, but healthy eating is BALANCED eating. I don’t like to tell myself or my clients to eliminate anything from their diet, for a few reasons.

  1. Telling yourself you can’t have something, makes you want it so much more and makes it hard for you to make healthier decisions.

  2. Eliminating a certain food or food group from your diet creates cycles of binge eating, and guilt. Like I said above, telling yourself you can’t have something only makes you want it more. Even if you do manage to eliminate a certain food or food group all together from your diet, it’s usually pretty short-lived before you start craving it again. And when you do finally allow yourself to have it, you are more likely to eat more of it, or binge, because of this restriction you put on yourself, which causes you to then feel guilty for eating so much.

  3. Completely eliminating foods from your diet creates a bad relationship with food because you start labeling certain foods as “good” or “bad”.

Allowing yourself to have “treats” is OKAY!

A healthy, sustainable, long lasting diet is all about BALANCE! I know you have heard it before but I’m going to say it again, “everything in moderation”. You shouldn’t have too much of anything; salads, fruits, proteins, cookies, doughnuts, ANYTHING. Your mind and body need a little bit of everything to stay healthy; mentally, emotionally, and physically!

So yes, you should have your favorite treat, and yes you should watch my latest 2 PART vlog to find out where these AMAZING doughnuts are from and get some for yourself to try!!


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